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Flying National flag for Queens funeral branded a 'disgrace'

Catherine Gaffney -
Flying National flag for Queens funeral branded a 'disgrace'

A Donegal County Councillor has branded plans to fly the National flag at half-mast at Government buildings on the day of the British Queens funeral as a disgrace and an insult.


Britain's Queen Elizabeth's funeral is taking place on Monday and it's understood that a directive from Leinster House has asked all local authorities and other Government buildings across the country to fly the flag at half-mast as a mark of respect.



But Cllr Michael Cholm MacGiolla Easbuig believes many people will be upset by the plans:


[audio mp3="https://img.oceanfm.ie/prod/uploads/2022/09/michqueenlunch.mp3"][/audio]

Catherine Gaffney -