Sligo University Hospital is currently battling a number of outbreaks of respiratory illnesses.
RSV, COVID-19 and flu are circulating in local communities and Sligo University Hospital is currently managing outbreaks on four wards.
Anyone with respiratory symptoms are being asked to avoid visiting healthcare settings to prevent the spread of illness and to protect those who may be more vulnerable.
Management at the hospital are asking the public to be mindful of the safety of our vulnerable patients and do not visit the hospital if you have a cough, cold, temperature, runny nose or sneezing.
Anyone coming to the hospital is asked please wear a face mask and use hand gel regularly.
Masks are available throughout the hospital.
Anyone who has respiratory symptoms should stay at home until they have been symptom free for 48 hours.
If you are concerned about your symptoms or your condition worsens, contact your GP or GP out of hours service.
Keeping up to date with your vaccines is the most important thing you can do to avoid serious flu and COVID-19 illness.