A fresh planning application has been lodged to revamp a notorious apartment block in the heart of Sligo Town.
Travac Developments Ltd hope to develop the site at Swan Point, Fish Quay, beside the Glasshouse Hotel.
The proposal includes works to the existing quay wall in the area which is a protected structure in the Sligo County Development Plan.
Subject to planning permission being granted, the development would consist of amendments to the unfinished Swan Point building.
To provide 53 hotel bedrooms in place of previously approved apartments and the completion of 32 apartments.
A change of use of ground floor apartments into a retail unit, and the completion of ground floor Restaurant unit.
Extensive works on the development took place around 20 year ago, however, in the following years the economic crash impacted on the viability of the project, and the building only had its external envelope completed, and was never occupied.
It is only in recent years that it has become possible for the owner to revisit the development.
As such, it’s said that this proposal will allow increased bed numbers for the town centre and support the local tourism industry.