Friday, 14th March, 2025

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Gardai require extra resources to deal with hard Brexit

Harry Keaney -
Gardai require extra resources to deal with hard Brexit

Gardai have highlighted the need for significant extra resources for the region in the event of a hard Brexit at a meeting of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors in Sligo this week.


At the meeting of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors which took place in the Riverside Hotel on Wednesday , members queried if additional Gardai would be deployed along the border region if required.



Similar concerns were raised by the Donegal branch of the AGSI at its meeting in Ballybofey earlier in the week.


Vice President of the AGSI and Donegal based sergeant, Paul Wallace says members concerns will be discussed at national executive meetings of association early next month.



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Harry Keaney -