Globe House in Sligo has been included in a series of reports on International Protection Applicant Service Centres.
The reports, published by HIQA this morning, found levels of non-compliance in all centres inspected.
Other centres included in the reports are located in Wicklow, Cork, Laois, Waterford, Kerry and Dublin.
It's understood examples of non-compliance varied on a number of levels.
The inspection in Globe House was carried out on the 20th and 21st of February. There were 163 residents in the building at the time of the inspection.
Globe House was found to be non-compliant with HIQA regulations regarding Identification, Assessment and Response to Special Needs. The report found that no policy was in place for staff to identify with address existing and emerging special reception needs of residents, as required by the national standards.
That was the only breach reported, as Globe House was found to be partially compliant, compliant or substantially compliant with all other regulations.
The standards inspected all carry a colour coded risk assessment, with yellow a low risk, orange a moderate risk, and red a high risk. Globe House had all orange, with the exception of the aforementioned breach, which was red.
Globe House is now required to submit compliance plans to demonstrate how they will make improvements and come into compliance with the national standards.