Monday, 10th March, 2025

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  • “Heart on the hill' placed on Benbo Mountain in recognition of the Global Climate Strike

“Heart on the hill' placed on Benbo Mountain in recognition of the Global Climate Strike

Harry Keaney -
“Heart on the hill' placed on Benbo Mountain in recognition of the Global Climate Strike

A team of volunteers including students from the St Claire's secondary schools have erected Love Leitrim's “Heart on the hill' on the Benbo Mountain in recognition of the Global Climate Strike which is taking place on Friday September 20th.

The heart is set to encourage and support students coming out on strike on Friday in the global movement led by teenager Greta Thunberg.

With a live application for fracking in Fermanagh currently a live issue it's hoped the sign will refocus the public's interest in Climate issues and of course the ongoing battle against Fracking.

Jamie Murphy is the Chairperson of the Love Leitrim movement, he says with Ireland becoming a gateway for fracked gas into Europe from America it's important it's effects on the climate are highlighted at every opportunity.



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Harry Keaney -