A Leitrim Councillor says he fully expects a scheme aimed at redeveloping derelict homes to be extended to rural areas.
Kinlough based Councillor Justin Warnock has been calling for such measures to be introduced in Leitrim in response to help offset the difficulties associated with securing one off planning permission in the county.
The Fianna Fail councillor says reconstructing / refurbishing old houses could put life back in to many rural communities.
The Manorhamilton Municipal District Councillor says a scheme which would offer an incentive to reconstruct or refurbish these homes should come with the requirement that the owner commits to living at least 10 years in the property a move which would prevent the buildings being bought as holiday homes.
[audio mp3="https://img.oceanfm.ie/prod/uploads/2022/09/LONG-JUSTIN-PROPERTY.mp3"][/audio]