Monday, 10th March, 2025

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Kiltyclogher hopeful online campaign will ensure two teachers remain in school

Harry Keaney -
Kiltyclogher hopeful online campaign will ensure two teachers remain in school

The people around Kiltyclogher are hoping that come September, they will have enough pupils to be able to keep the current two teachers in their local national school.

That's the driving force behind the area's ongoing online campaign to attract people to live in the North Leitrim area.

Already, there has been a huge response to the online campaign, including from as far away as America and Russia.

Families from Dublin and Wicklow are coming to see Kiltyclogher for themselves today and tomorrow.


Susan Carton, a lecturer in St Angela's College in Sligo, moved to the area from Dublin in 2004 because of the peace and quality of life it provided.

She is one of those behind the current online campaign.

She agrees the number of pupils in the primary school is a key measurement of the vibrancy of any area.

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Speaking to Ocean FM News in Kiltyclogher, Susan outlined the present situation with the national school in Kiltyclogher.

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Harry Keaney -