All local electoral areas in the north west are below the national 14 day rate per 100,000 population of 122.6.
The latest daily figures also show 25 new cases were recorded in Co. Donegal, less than 5 in Leitrim and none in Sligo.
Accurate as of the 12th of April, The Manorhamilton local electoral area in Co. Leitrim and Ballymote/Tubbercurry in Co. Sligo both recorded less than 5 cases and both have a rate of less than 5 per 100,000 population.
There were 8 new cases in the Sligo/Strandhill area with a rate of 37.9.
Sligo/Drumcliffe had 5 new cases in this time and a rate of 28.3
While South Donegal recorded 9 new cases and has a rate of 34.
The rate for Donegal County is 185.9, 65.5 in Leitrim and Sligo has the lowest rate in the country at 19.8.
As of 6.30pm yesterday evening, there was 1 critical care bed available in Letterkenny University Hospital and 3 available in Sligo University Hospital.