Sunday, 23rd February, 2025

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  • Leitrim Caoirthleacht airs concern over the lack of local Ministers

Leitrim Caoirthleacht airs concern over the lack of local Ministers

John Lynch -
Leitrim Caoirthleacht airs concern over the lack of local Ministers

The new Caoirthleacht of Leitrim County Council has expressed her fears that economic development in the north west could be hampered by the lack of ministerial representation in the new government.


Fianna Fáil Councillor Mary Bohan was one of the six Leitrim Councillors that had urged party Leader Michael Martin not to enter government with the Greens and Fine Gael.



Despite the concerns of councillors in Leitrim, Sligo and Donegal party members accepted the programme for government.

Subsequently the local region had no Ministerial appointments from the West or North West region.


Cllr Bohan says it's vital that in the interest of balanced development, junior ministers must be appointed from the North West.


John Lynch -