The prosecuting barrister in Kevin Lunney's abduction trial has told the Special Criminal Court that he was beaten by a gang of men and doused in bleach.
Four men have gone on trial today accused of falsely imprisoning and seriously hurting the Chief Operating Officer of Quinn Industrial Holdings.
Darren Redmond and Alan O'Brien, who are both from East Wall in Dublin 3, Luke O'Reilly of Mullahoran Lower, Kilcogy, Co Cavan and a fourth man who can't be identified have pleaded NOT guilty to falsely imprisoning Kevin Lunney on September 17th 2019 and they have also denied causing him serious harm.
In his opening address today, the prosecuting barrister, Sean Guerin, described the case as complex and circumstantial with 250 witnesses due to be called over the next 12 weeks or so.
He said it will be alleged that Mr Lunney was bundled into the boot of a car on his way home from work before being taken to a steel container on Mr O'Reilly's land, where it is alleged that he was beaten and doused in bleach.
He claimed what's alleged to have happened to him was done in connection with the affairs of the company at the time, Mr Lunney's role as director and also in relation to some litigation the company was involved in.
Mr Lunney is expected to take the stand tomorrow, Thursday.