977 new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the Ocean FM franchise area in the latest 14 day incidence figures.
All five local electoral reported infection rates below the R figure for 100,000 head of population which was set at 1305.1
The most cases and highest infection rate was found in the Sligo Strandhill local Electoral Area. 259 cases and an R figure of 1225.8
Sligo’s total number of cases was 656, with 191 (R1080.6) in the Sligo Drumcliff LEA and 206 (R770.6) in the Ballymote Tubbercurry Local Electoral Area.
The least number of cases and lowest infection rates were in Manorhamilton where there were 55 cases found between November 30th and December 13th. The R figure was 508.3 Manorhamilton has also the lowest infection rate in the entire country.
118 cases were reported in the Ballinamore LEA and an R figure of 1196.5
In the Donegal Local Electoral Area there were 266 cases and a rate of infection of 1004.1 per 100 000 head of population.
A local electoral area in Waterford has the highest rate of Covid-19 in the country.
One in every 47 people tested positive there in the space of two weeks.
Portlaw-Kilmacthomas local electoral area in Co Waterford had a rate of 2,138.
The Portlaoise local electoral area in Co Laois was the next highest, at 2,092.
Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart in Dublin is the third worst-affected area, at 1,980.