The Board of Management at Mercy College in Sligo have said that although the school's gym is no longer in use, the room in which it was situated is still open to sports groups outside of school hours.
The gym, which is also used a fitness room, is part of a larger sports complex and has been closed due to its equipment requiring substantial financial investment.
The board of management took the decision to discontinue the use of the room as a gym due to a lack of available Government investment. However, the room is being kept in sporting use and is available to any external groups as long as the room is used for recreational purposes.
The school must keep the room open for sporting events until 2023 as part of a 'deed of covenant' they agreed to when they drew down public funding a number of years ago.
Speaking to Ocean FM News, Principal at Mercy College Sligo, Collette O'Hagan says the facility remains available to any outside groups who wish to use it.
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