Improvements in the water supply are on the way for people in the Newtownmanor and Leckaun areas of north Leitrim.
It's as a result of old water mains being replaced in the locality.
425 metres of mains pipes will be installed along the L4151 from Newtownmanor Community Hall to Leckaun Crossroads.
This is expected to lead to an improvement in the reliability of the water supply for customers who have been affected by water outages.
New water service connections from the water main in the road to customers’ boundaries will also be laid.
Declan Cawley, Networks Regional Lead with Irish Water, said the immediate impact will be reduced leakage rates and fewer unplanned outages when bursts occur.
Farrans Construction Ltd will carry out the works, which are expected to be finished in November.
During the works some short-term outages may be necessary.
However, areas of work will be limited to short sections and notice will be given prior to any planned outages.
Traffic management will also be in place during the works.