A Leitrim Councillor is urging the government not to agree to an increase on the TV licence fee.
RTE is renewing its calls for reform of public funding when it goes before an Oireachtas Committee today.
The State broadcaster will tell TD's and Senators 65 million euro's being lost annually due to license fee evasion - up from 50 million in previous estimates.
It says 15.2 percent of homes didn't pay in 2020 and the number of households claiming to have no TVs is currently at 15.1 percent.
The fee is currently 160 euro, and was last increased in 2008.
It comes as the BBC announced it's to freeze the license fee in the UK, which is approximately 190 euro, for two years.
Drumkeerin based councillor Padraig Fallon says that many households ae currently reduced income and with energy bills increasing now is not the time to inflict more expenses on the general public.
Cllr Fallon has suggested that RTE could review the salaries of some of their top earners as an alternative way of making savings: