More than 500 motorists in the north west were disqualified from driving last year.
The figures have been released by the Department of Transport under the Freedom of Information Act.
The disqualification figures for the north west are made up of 311 motorists disqualified in Donegal, 128 in Sligo and 75 in Leitrim.
That compares to 2018 figures of 317 in Donegal, 130 in Sligo and 65 in Leitrim.
The disqualification figures are a combination of those banned by order of a court and because of penalty points.
In Donegal, 282 were disqualified in court and 29 because of penalty points.
In Sligo, 99 drivers were disqualified in court and 29 lost their licences because of penalty points.
67 drivers in Leitrim were banned in court and eight because of accumulation of penalty points.
Penalty points remain on a driver’s licence for three years, with 12 points resulting in disqualification for six months.
Novice and learner permit drivers face disqualification if they receive seven points.
For driving with excess alcohol, 16 drivers in Donegal were disqualified, 10 in Sligo and five in Leitrim.
Not wearing seat belts and using mobile phones are among the offences for which the most penalty points are imposed.
But as Director of Consumer Affairs at AA Ireland, Conor Faughnan, points out, speeding is still the most common offence: