Martin Kenny received death threats for speaking out against right-wing anti-immigrant hate speech
A Sligo Leitrim Sinn Fein TD claims that he is not overly worried about his safety after receiving a death threats for speaking
€2.5m for cultural plaza in Sligo town; new pontoon at Lough Gill officially opened
Failte Ireland today announced investment of €2.5m to transform the Stephen Street Car Park in Sligo town into a major c
Donegal among counties that get most in community funds from wind energy industry
Donegal is among the five counties in Ireland that receive the most money for communities from the Irish Wind Energy
Asthma, COPD sufferers in north west urged to get flu vaccine
The almost 20,000 people in the north west who suffer from asthma and the more than 18,000 with COPD are being urged to get the