An exceedance for the pesticide MCPA has been detected in the public drinking water supply in Mohill.
MCPA is an active substance present in many commonly used herbicide products used to control the growth of rushes and docks.
The exceedance was detected as part of Uisce Éireann’s public water supply monitoring programme.
The South Leitrim (Mohill) public water supply abstracts raw water from the Shannon River which is vulnerable to runoff from land and where there has been an increased level of pesticide detections.
Uisce Éireann is asking the farming community, green keepers, grounds keepers, and domestic users, to consider in each case whether they need to use pesticides at all.
Pesticides must only be used where strictly necessary and only after the possibility of using other control methods has been carefully considered.
Minimising pesticide use not only helps to protect water quality but also has multiple wider environmental benefits.