Wednesday, 19th March, 2025

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Plans for Connaughton Car Park to be announced in April

Harry Keaney -
Plans for Connaughton Car Park to be announced in April

It's expected that plans for the long-term use of the Connaughton Road Car Park in Sligo town will be made known by April.


Since the McGinley family left the council-owned car park since November after more than 30 years there, it has remained closed and unused, leading to questions about what it will be used for.



Suggestions have included its continued use as a car park, as a site for social housing apartments or for a library. There have also been requests that the space be gifted to a local group.


Top officials of Sligo County Council say it's a strategic site that should be best used to promote the viability of the town's urban centre.



Council Chief Executive Ciaran Hayes told councillors yesterday the council would come back to them with a report in the next three months.


Councillor Chris MacManus says councillors will now wait to see what proposals will be made:

Harry Keaney -