The PRO of the Mica Action Group is adamant that a pre-legislative scrutiny of the enhanced Mica Redress Scheme must take place before it's signed off by Cabinet.
It's understood that Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien is keen to pass the Bill through both houses of the Oireachtas before the Dáil breaks up for its summer recess.
Calls were made in the Dail this week by Independent TD for Donegal Deputy Thomas Pringle for the legislation to be scrutinised in the first instance, which in turn led to clash between him and the Taoiseach.
Michael Martin says he wasn't in favour of the move and warned that it would delay the long awaited work to fix and rebuild affected homes.
Mica Action Group PRO Michael Doherty believes the devil will be in the detail and therefore he says a scrutiny is a fundamental step: