Rents have increased across the north west according to the latest Rent Index from the Residential Tenancies Board.
However Leitrim has the lowest rent in the country at €518 per month.
Rents across the regional are continuing to rise but at a slower pace according to the latest rent index from the Residential Tenancies Board.
In the October to December period of this year, the standardised average rent in Sligo was €759 per month, up 9.8 % from the second quarter of the year at €691.
Donegal was joint second lowest with Longford with an average rent of €571, less than half the national average of €1,122.
Rents nationally increased to €1,122 per month between July and September, a €78 increase compared to the same period last year.
The average rent for Dublin was €1,620, an increase of €141 last year.