Thursday, 27th February, 2025

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Republic of Ireland residents will not be vaccinated in the North

John Lynch -
Republic of Ireland residents will not be vaccinated in the North

Republic of Ireland residents have been warned not to book Covid-19 vaccination jabs at centres in the north unless they are registered with a doctor there or have or have an NHS number.


It’s being reported that hundreds of people from the south have been turned away from vaccination centres in Northern Ireland over recent days.



The online vaccination booking system does not require applicants to give their home address or medical card number to book a slot, but those details must be provided on arrival for the jab.


In order to receive a vaccination in the north recipients must be registered with a GP in Northern Ireland and have a Health and Social Care medical number.



It’s understood that the number of those travelling from the South look to be vaccinated in the North has increased over recent days.


John Lynch -