A Sligo councillor is warning that news fines which will be issued to those that commit offence near national monuments may not be a strong enough deterrent to prevent damaged inflicted on many local historical landmarks.
People who commit offences near national monuments could be hit with on-the-spot fines of up to 200 euro.
The Historic and Archaeological Heritage Bill will apply to the country's estimated 126-thousand national monuments.
Housing and Heritage Minister Darragh O'Brien has said it's "vital that our historic heritage continues to be protected and conserved."
In the past concerns were expressed over a small minority' of people who interfered with the Queen Maeve cairn on Knocknarea mountain.
While graffiti damage has also been carried out on monuments in Carrowmore and other locations in Sligo.
Independent Councillor Marie Casserly says every protection should be given to national monuments: