A Sligo Independent Alliance councillor says she believes the country would shut down if it weren't for the help given by grandparents to their families.
Cllr Marie Casserly was speaking about her group's budget proposal to pay one thousand euro a year to grandparents who help mind their grandchildren.
The Independent Alliance say the self-assessed payment would be available to all grandparents who help out with childcare for more than ten hours a week.
Cllr Caserly says it would not be a payment but a token of appreciation:
[audio mp3="https://img.oceanfm.ie/prod/uploads/2018/08/casserlygrandparentsSHORT.mp3"][/audio]
However, Finance Minister Paschal Donohue says there are 'big questions' to be answered about the proposal.
He adds the plan would also need to consider other family members and friends who help out with childcare:
[audio mp3="https://img.oceanfm.ie/prod/uploads/2018/08/10donohue-grandparents-clip-df.mp3"][/audio]
Any payments to assist in childcare costs should go directly to families rather than grandparents.
That's the view of the Stay at Home Parents Association Ireland.
Spokesperson Pauline O Reilly says the Independent Alliance's proposal is problematic:
[audio mp3="https://img.oceanfm.ie/prod/uploads/2018/08/13oreilly-grandparents-clip-et.mp3"][/audio]