The Adult Mental Health Unit at Sligo University Hospital has received an overall compliance rating of 88% in a report published today by the Mental Health Commission on the country's inpatient mental health centres.
The overall compliance rating the Sligo unit is similar rating to what the facility received two years ago.
The purpose-built centre was opened in 2020.
Accommodation comprises of 25 single en suite bedrooms. At the time of inspection there were 23 residents were present.
Although receiving an overall 88% compliance rate, two moderate and two high-risk non-compliances were recorded in the Mental Health Commission report.
The high-risk non compliances were for the regulation on individual care planning and Part 4 of the Mental Health Act 2001, which relates to consent to treatment.
In relation to the high-risk rating for care planning, residents' individual care plans inspected were found to be inadequate.
The centre was found to be high-risk non-compliant with consent to treatment as one involuntary patient's records did not document that the responsible consultant psychiatrist had assessed the patient's capacity to consent to receive treatment.