Wednesday, 26th February, 2025

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Sligo Strandhill Local Electoral Area records highest numbers in latest 14 day incidence figures

John Lynch -
Sligo Strandhill Local Electoral Area records highest numbers in latest 14 day incidence figures

The Sligo Strandhill Local Electoral area has recorded the highest rate of Covid-19 in the local region according to the latest 14 day incidence rate figures.



374 cases were recorded which represents an infection rate of 1770.1 the national rate was set at 1268.4



The Sligo Drumcliff area also registered a rate above the national figure. 232 cases were reported between November 9th and November 22nd a rate of 1312.6




The Ballymote Tubbercurry local area had 247 cases detected, a rate of 924. The lowest in the local region. In total 853 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded in the entire county of Sligo over the 14 days.



The Manorhamilton Local Electoral area registered the lowest infection rate and lowest number of cases in Leitrim.  121 of the county’s 451 cases over the 14 days were detected in the Manorhamilton area.  The rate of infection in the area was 1118.2



In the Donegal local electoral area there were 275 new cases detected over the 14 day period which resulted in a rate of 1038.





John Lynch -