A Sligo nursing home was found two have two non-compliances following HIQA's latest health and safety inspections.
St John's Community Hospital was among five of fifty inspection reports published this morning.
The two non-compliances highlighted in the report related to Governance and Management and Fire Safety.
A number of issues regarding Fire Safety in the report were highlighted. A large mains electrical unit was present in a room that was in use as a storage area. The inspector observed a large quantity of flammable
items such as files and cardboard boxes were being stored in this area.
In a church, the inspector found two fire exits at either end of an escape corridor were found to be locked. This was brought to the attention of the person in charge who sourced a key to unlock the fire exits.
The oversights in fire safety also led to the centre breaching Governance and Management regulations.
The only other regulations included in the report were regarding Premises, in which St John's Community Hospital was found to be substantially compliant.
Providers are now required to submit compliance plans to demonstrate how they will make improvements and come into compliance with the regulations.
Statement from HSE:
St. John’s Community Hospital provides residential care for 82 male and female residents over the age of 18. Residents are cared for, supported and valued within a care environment that promotes their health and well-being.
The objectives of St. John's Community Hospital include providing a high standard of care in accordance with evidence based practice, providing individualised care to residents and their families respecting the choices, values, dignity and beliefs and ensuring that the residents live in a comfortable, clean and safe environment. The centre comprises of five units, Tir na nÓg, Rosses, Cairde, Curam and the Hazelwood unit.
A HIQA inspection took place on October 13th 2023 and the report was published on the HIQA website on March 21st 2024.
The inspection was a short notice announced risk inspection carried out by an inspector of social services to monitor compliance with the Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Centres for Older People) Regulations 2013 (as amended) with a focus on fire precautions and premise.
The inspector noted there was a clearly defined management structure in place that was accountable for the delivery of safe and effective health and social care support to residents. The designated centre benefits from access to and support from centralised HSE departments, such as the fire and estates.
The inspector walked around the newly refurbished Rosses unit of the building, and noted the unit was tastefully decorated, bright and had a good layout, with sufficient communal space for residents to use and this was provided in sitting room, dining room and family rooms.
The inspector spoke with various staff members on duty in regard to fire safety and evacuation procedures. Staff were confident and very familiar with the practiced evacuation procedures. Staff were up-to-date with fire safety training.
The inspector reviewed the fire safety management plan and emergency fire action plan in place. These were found to be comprehensive and informed the fire safety management of the centre.
Residents’ personal emergency evacuation procedures had improved since the last inspection, were detailed and up-to-date. Simulated fire drills for the largest compartment had been completed based on night time staffing levels and with the addition of two extra residents to help drive improvements. Drill records were detailed and included learning outcomes.
The centre was noted to be substantially compliant in one regulation and non-compliant in two regulations.
The Registered Provider and the Person in Charge have reviewed the fire safety management systems within the designated center with the HSE Regional Fire Prevention Officer to ensure robust fire safety measures are in place. Following this fire safety review, an immediate action plan to address deficiencies identified during the inspection has been implemented and actioned in conjunction with HSE Estates, maintenance personnel and external fire and building contractors.
The Registered Provider and the Person in Charge continue to oversee the center’s fire safety management plan. The fire safety management policy for the centre is the guidance document circulated to all staff. Fire safety is a fundamental agenda item on all weekly and monthly governance meetings and thrice daily during each departments safety pause with all staff.
The Person in Charge maintains the Hospital Fire Register and liaises with HSE Regional Fire Prevention Officer on all aspects of fire safety management. Daily checks of all fire exits and escape routes are performed and this is recorded on the thrice daily quality risk and patient safety report. This is reviewed by the Person In Charge or their designate on a daily basis.
Melissa Kelly, Acting General Manager for Older Persons Services HSE Community Healthcare CH CDLMS said “The HSE will continue to work to ensure the delivery of high quality, person-centred services to the residents in St John’s Community Hospital.”