A Leitrim councillor and farm organisation official is calling on all road users to act responsibility in what is the current busy time for farm machinery.
It's after An Garda Síochána criticised a thoughtless tractor driver for allowing a line of 50 vehicles to build up behind him without pulling in to let the other road-users pass.
Taking to social media over the weekend, Gardaí in the Kilkenny/Carlow division highlighted the issue with a video clip on Facebook titled 'Inconsiderate Driver', which showed a tractor drawing a load of silage with other motorists travelling behind.
The official Road Safety Authority (RSA) line on the matter stated: "If you are travelling behind farm machinery, please be patient and only overtake when it's safe to do so."
Brendan Barry is a Leitrim councillor and the Leitrim Chairperson of the Irish Beef and Lamb Association
He says there is a responsibility on all road users to make sure the roads are as safe as possible.