People are being warned not to enter the sea at either Strandhill beach or Dorrins Strand in Sligo after tests revealed a high level bacteria in the waters.
Sligo County Council says further monitoring will be carried out in the days ahead.
Water quality tests carried out this morning showed a high level of bacteria and notices advising people not to enter the water have been erected.
The microbiological analysis of the samples taken at both locations presented high levels of bacteria.
While these beaches are not designated for bathing, In order to protect health Sligo County Council in consultation with the HSE are issuing an “Advice not to enter” notice.
Sligo County Council is carrying out investigations into the high levels of bacteria and further monitoring will be undertaken.
This advice will remain in place until samples at both locations return satisfactory results.
Sligo County Council appreciates the public’s co-operation in relation to this advice.