Two Local Electoral Areas in Co. Sligo have the highest 14 day incidence rate in the country according to the latest statistics.
Accurate as of Tuesday, the 14th of March, the Sligo/Strandhill area had a rate of 2,636 infections per 100,000 population followed by Sligo/Drumcliffe on 2,388.
The national rate is 1,189.
The other Local Electoral Areas in the region are also high; Ballymote/Tubbercurry is on 1,751, Manorhamilton with 1,645 and South Donegal had a 14 day rate of 1,234.
There are 130 Covid-19 patients being treated in the north west's two main hospitals today.
84 people are in Letterkenny University Hospital along with a further 46 in Sligo University Hospital; there is also one patient in both hospitals in the ICU.
When it comes to hospital overcrowding, 43 people are awaiting a bed in letterkenny and 17 in Sligo out of a national total of 546.
Despite the rising Covid numbers and those in hospital with the virus, the Chief Medical Officer has told the government there's no need to reintroduce Covid restrictions.
Cases have been above 20 thousand in recent days causing serious disruption to the health system.
Dr Colm Henry says the situation would be much starker without vaccination.