Visiting at Sligo University Hospital is being significantly curtailed from today.
The move is due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the community and staff absences due to COVID-19 within the hospital.
At Letterkenny University Hospital, visiting has been suspended for a week.
Despite what is being described as the 'significant curtailment' of visiting at Sligo University Hospital, visiting will be facilitated on compassionate grounds -- but only in exceptional cases.
To arrange a visit on compassionate grounds, people should contact the ward manager in advance.
Visitors must complete a COVID-19 screening checklist and follow the public health guidance, including wearing surgical face masks and performing good hand hygiene.
Visitors will be asked to produce their EU Digital COVID Certificate or HSE COVID-19 Vaccination Record or other proof of immunity when they arrive.
There are separate arrangements in place for access to the maternity department for nominated support partners who can continue to attend all scans, induction of labour and all deliveries and emergency presentations.
Visiting the maternity ward by nominated support partners is curtailed to two hours per day between 6pm and 8pm.
The limited visiting at the hospital will remain in place for one week and will be kept under review.
Sligo University Hospital Manager Grainne McCann has been outlining the up-to-date situation to Ocean FM's Harry Keaney.
As for Covid figures today (Wednesday), there are 56 confirmed Covid cases in Letterkenny University Hospital and 22 in Sligo University Hospital.
Nationally, 928 people are in hospital with Covid-19 - up 44 on yesterday - and 90 are in ICU.
Meanwhile, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation is calling for elective procedures in hospitals to be cancelled for the entire month.
HSE CEO Paul Reid has told hospitals to prioritise urgent and Covid-19 care for the next fortnight, and to SCALE BACK elective procedures.
But the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation is calling for elective procedures in hospitals to be CANCELLED for the entire month.
INMO General Secretary, Phil Ní Sheaghdha, says elective procedures must be delayed: