Wednesday, 5th March, 2025

Anthony Joseph Quigley

David O connor -
Anthony Joseph Quigley

His remains will repose at his late residence today Thursday from 5pm until Sunday at 12:30pm.


Funeral from there on Sunday, going to St Joseph and St Conal’s church, Bruckless, for funeral mass at 1pm.


Interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

David O connor -


Michael Coughlan

Antony Joseph Quigley


I wish to offer my deepest sympathies to all of the Quigley family at this very difficult time and have no doubt that Anthony will continue to entertain everyone in the next life as he was w,ont to do here on earth (and as I had manys a good argument with him on occasion which I will cherish forever) agus go ndeanfaidh Dia Trocaire ar a hanam agus in Iothlain De go gcastar sinn Yours sincerely Terence Coughlan Tailte Eireann

Eamon & Anne Friel

Deepest sympathy to all Anthony’s family and friends on his sad passing . May he rest in peace .