Monday, 10th March, 2025

Pauline McHugh (nee Mulhern)

Harry Keaney -
Pauline McHugh (nee Mulhern)

Predeceased by her husband Vincie.

Deeply regretted by her daughter Fiona, son Nick, daughter in law Sheila, granddaughters Emma & Katie, brother Kevin, sister in law Bridie, nephews, nieces relatives, friends and sister Bridie Hennigan who died on 28th March 2022.


Reposing at her residence on Thursday 31st March from 3pm to 7pm.

House private at all other times, please.

Remains arriving at St Adamnam’s Church, Skreen, F91 E621 this Friday 1st April at 8pm

Funeral mass on Saturday 2nd April at 11:30am with burial afterwards in St. Mary's Cemetery Skreen.

The  Funeral Mass can be viewed on

Please observe social distancing at all times, Walk through only in Church, no handshaking, masks to be worn .

Harry Keaney -


Elaine McGarrigle

My sincere condolences to Fiona & all the family at this sad time.


Condolences to Fiona and all the family from all the Flanagan’s in Garrison

Angela Flanagan

Condolences from all the Flanagans in Tullymore