Tuesday, 4th March, 2025

Sligo Councillor calls for an adequate bus service for all parts of Sligo Town

OceanFM Ireland -
Sligo Councillor calls for an adequate bus service for all parts of Sligo Town

The National Transport Authority has been accused of being “reluctant” when it comes to considering proposed changes to local bus services in Sligo.

While there are enhancements geared for a number of routes in the town, it’s thought some minor tweaking to others would make a huge difference to areas which are currently not covered.

For example, Fianna Fáil Cllr Tom MacSharry believes that the S1 bus route to cover areas like Rusheen Ard and Caltragh would be beneficial.

While it’s been confirmed that there are no immediate plans for such a move, Cllr MacSharry hopes that further meetings will change that:
