Organisers of the annual Cara Bundoran Run, which was postponed earlier this year, have decided o defer this year’s run until 2021 - with the event now taking place on the 5th and 6th of March 2021.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was impossible to run the event earlier this year as scheduled and having examined all possibilities to try and reschedule it for later in 2020, deferring it until 2021 was deemed the most viable option.
Joint MD of title sponsors Cara Pharmacy Canice Nicholas said: "we explored alternatives but ultimately deferring it until 2021 is the best option in the interests of the health and wellbeing of all involved.
"So we have decided that this year’s event will be run next year instead. This means that anyone already registered for the event due to happen earlier this year will have their registration automatically transferred to March 2021. Our three charity partners will not lose out either as they will be retained as the beneficiaries for next year also.
"In this time of uncertainty it would be unfair to not have them benefit so we are delighted to have the Marie Keating Foundation, the Asthma Society and the Bluestack Special Needs Foundation on board for next year’s event."
An additional fundraising event is currently being organised for the three charities later this year - 'Cara store to store', from Cork to Killybegs, involving a small group and adhering to social distancing guidelines.
For now, participants for the Cara Bundoran Run 2021 need do nothing as their entry will be automatic and they can be assured that their entrance fee will be going to the three charities.
Further details will be emailed at a later date.