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More than €15,000 was spent by government on the visit of the Prince of Wales to Donegal earlier this year. A further €43,000 was spent on the visits of the US vice president Joe Biden, French President Francois Hollande and European Council President Donald Tusk.   Figures from the Department…

Gardai are warning people to be aware of so-called ‘phishing’ scams which are being reported again. Senior Gardai across the region are warning people not to give out personal details over the phone regardless of whether that person sounds genuine or not.   Gardai say that fraudsters attempting to get…

Shoppers in Ballyshannon are being put at a disadvantage in the run up to Christmas as parking charges remain in force according to a local Councillor. Fine Gael councillor Barry O’Neill claims the south Donegal town is the only one enforcing parking charges this month. A motion from councillor O’Neill…

Fifty people have been brought to safety by the Arranmore RNLI lifeboat in Donegal so far this year. While the population of the island is declining, Press Officer Nora Flanagan says that they are lucky that volunteers are forthcoming to help with their work. In fact this year saw a…

A spokesman for Fianna Fail says Donegal Senator Brian O’Domhnaill has resigned his party’s whip in a row over expenses claims. O Domhnaill is now no longer a member of the Fianna Fail Seanad group or the Fianna Fail parliamentary party. It, in effect, means, he will continue as an…

A lot done but more to do when it comes to roads in South Donegal. That’s the belief of independent Councillor John Campbell who says less than 5% of the work that is needed is getting done. He says this is down to a lack of funding being provided for…

The HSE plans to progress a number of key health projects in the north west in the coming year as part of its 2017 Service Plan. The Plan was published yesterday and includes plans to set up the new diabetes centre at Sligo University Hospital as well as work to…