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The President of the Irish Farmer’s Association is hopeful that Boris Johnson will see the importance of avoiding a crash-out Brexit. However, Joe Healy admits the new British Prime Minister only adds more uncertainty over Brexit. In its pre-budget submission, the IFA says Brexit is the greatest challenge to the…

The Common Agriculture Policy will be discussed and debated by candidates running in the European Elections in the Midlands North West Constituency this evening. The meeting, organised by the Irish Farmers Association, will allow farmers to question candidates on the issue and will allow them to voice their concerns on…

Sligo IFA is raising concerns about the new electronic identification tagging system for lambs. From next June, The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine announced that all sheep moving off a holding must be identified electronically. This will require either a single electronic slaughter tag – where lambs less…

A shortage of “large animal vets” in Donegal is leading to serious concerns for animal welfare, and resulting in cases where vets from outside of the region are charging as much as 500 Euro for after-hour call outs. The IFA Donegal Chairman Brendan McLoughlin says there is a severe shortage…