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The Irish Farmers Association’s Sheep Chairman is calling for a coordinated response to tackle dog attacks on farm animals. Sean Dennehy is making the call as farmers will soon be entering lambing season. Mr Dennehy is already aware of a number of dog attacks, one where a ewe was decapitated.…

The 48,000 farmers in GLAS will receive instructions this week on the procedures to follow to roll-over their participation in the agri-environment scheme. Letters have already been sent to participating farmers which set out the actions to follow to ensure that participants can remain in the scheme which is worth…

The Irish Farmers Association are calling on the Government to implement changes to the Fair Deal Scheme. The scheme is aimed at providing financial support to help pay for the cost of care in a nursing home. Tim Cullinane is the IFA President. Speaking to OceanFM News, he says they…

The Irish farmers Journal is reporting today that Farmers will be facing significantly higher water bills next year when Irish Water introduces its new metered water charging system. The charges will come into force on 1 May 2021. Up until now each county council set water charges, but the new…

Reacting to Budget 2021, the IFA President Tim Cullinan acknowledged the renewal of essential tax reliefs and the equalisation of the self-employed tax credit with the PAYE credit and the continued funding of farm schemes.     Mur Cullinan was quoted as saying that this Budget needed to take into…

IFA National Sheep Committee Chairman Sean Dennehy says that sheep farmers are disappointed the Budget did not provide an increase to the Sheep Welfare Scheme. He said sheep farming is a low-income sector carried out in some of the most difficult areas of the country and is in vital need…