The Lifting the Silence on Suicide Community Events will take place in ten communities in Sligo and Leitrim commencing in the Glasshouse Hotel in Sligo on 5th November followed by the Bush Hotel in Carrick-on-Shannon on 12th November. This series of events has being organised the Connecting for Life Sligo and Leitrim implementation group in an effort to bring a focus on suicide prevention to the people of Leitrim and Sligo.
Everyone at some point will be affected by suicide. We are all part of communities which link us to family, friends, colleagues and/or neighbours. The act of showing care and concern to someone who may be vulnerable, can make a big difference in their lives. Asking someone whether they are OK, listening to what they have to say in a non-judgemental way, and letting them know you care, can all have a significant impact.
Suicide really is everyone’s business. Let’s come together to open the conversation about suicide in our communities. This event will explore:
- How we can all help prevent suicide
- The links between alcohol, substance misuse and suicide
- A personal story, bereaved by suicide
- Bereavement by suicide, the grief journey and supports
- Training and Educational opportunities
We hope that you will spread the word and encourage family, friends and colleagues to attend these events to open the conversation about suicide.
“Death through suicide is devastating not only for the families but also the local community. Each suicide affects society as a whole. Therefore, as a society we need to de-stigmatise suicide and talk more openly about its causes and its impacts and how these can be prevented. The development of a local Sligo and Leitrim Connecting for Life plan brings together communities in much needed unity to raise awareness of the issue. I encourage people to come to one of the upcoming events and learn about what you can do to help and about the supports and services which are available”, said Thomás Mc Bride, Acting Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Services.
The HSE’s website contains information and practical tips on how to mind your mental health. Reach out, listen and respond to others who are going through a difficult time. Also, further information on the Lifting the Silence on Suicide community events can be found on
For further information please contact Thomás McBride, Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention on 087 3680423.
Lifting the Silence on Suicide - Community Events
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*Registration from 6.30pm with light refreshments served on the night.